Empathy is at the Core of this Digital Product Agency

Deep Kalina • 2 years ago

The main reason to hire a Digital Product Design Agency for Web, Android, and iOS Development is that a robust mobile app or website can improve a company’s bottom line. If it’s a successful business relationship, that would mean that every year a portion of those profits could find their way into needy pockets.

When November and December roll around, even the most focused business leaders take time to consider how they and their companies could help make the world a better place.

The holiday season has that effect year after year, and if a charitable donation can help ease an organization’s tax burden, so much the better: 

“The last quarter of the year is a great time for fundraising. December is often the busiest time of year for donations—particularly as the year comes to a close. Around 31% of donations are made in December alone and 12% come in the final three days of the year.”

The end of the year is a time to reflect on past successes and realize the importance of giving back to people in need.

If you hired a digital product design agency to do Web, Android, and iOS Development this year and the resulting mobile app engaged with customers and boosted sales, then you might be in a position to share the wealth this holiday season.

If so, it’s important to fund a nonprofit that connects with your values. Think about what types of good things you would like to see in the world because now is the time to make it happen. 

You can pick a local organization to help, but groups with nationwide and worldwide reach are available to you. The important thing is to put your company’s money where its heart is.

There are a variety of options out there for corporate philanthropy:

  • Gift matching—Companies donate the same amount of money to a nonprofit that employees, consumers, or the general public donate.
  • Volunteer grants—Money is donated to organizations where employees contributed volunteer hours over the year. 
  • Employee grants—Employees pick where the company’s donations go.
  • Community grants—Donations go to organizations based on their goals for social impact.
  • Community works—Companies donate products, services, or infrastructure to their communities.
  • Scholarships—The organization provides financial support for students, community leaders, and others.
  • Volunteer support initiatives—Companies donate employee time to support a group or cause.

Intuitio Labs, an Atlanta-based company that does Web, Android and iOS Development for startups, was founded with the intention of contributing 10 percent of its time to providing digital solutions for non-profit organizations. The company has exceeded that goal ever since its founding.

The company focuses its charitable efforts on two areas, hunger and education:

  • Second Helpings Atlanta rescues surplus food daily and delivers it to people in need. (Deep Kalina, Intuitio Labs’s founder and CEO, has served on the organization’s board for the past three years.) 
  • The Kadam Foundation provides tuition-free education to young people. Almost all of its students come from the slums in Hyderabad, India. 

In addition to donating to those organizations, Intuitio Labs team members volunteer their time and get involved in their communities.

Corporate philanthropy can shape consumers’ opinions about your organization in positive ways. It also helps you hire and keep the best talent because they’re attracted to your company’s culture.

And on the grand scale of things, giving creates warm feelings that make the season that much more merry and bright for everyone.

Pro Bono Web, Android and iOS Development Projects

Donating money and volunteering your time are appreciated. Companies also usually have a lot of talented people on staff. Their abilities can be channeled in thoughtful and helpful ways.

Intuitio Labs applies more than 10 percent of team members’ time to provide digital product design, consulting, and other services for charitable organizations on a pro bono basis.

When building a mobile app or website for a nonprofit, quality is the same as a paying customer. That means Intuitio Labs’ highly skilled tech team tackles digital product design for charities in the same professional way it tackles digital product design for startups.

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Digital Product Design

Giving money at Christmas works because green goes with everything and fits everyone. But there’s something to be said for actually investing your time and energy. It’s an act of true commitment to volunteer your time after a mentally and physically draining day at work.

Volunteers with Second Helping Atlanta are “Driving Out Hunger, One Mile at a Time.” Since 2004, the organization has been responsible for

  • 36,000 food rescue routes
  • 18.7 million pounds of rescued and shared food.
  • 16.4 million free meals

In Second Helping Atlanta’s service area, one in seven children and one in nine adults live with food insecurity.

The organization makes it easy for companies to contribute with its corporate engagement plan. Individuals are welcome to join the cause as drivers. And, of course, monetary donations are always appreciated. 

The Kadam Foundation is a full-time school for underprivileged students between the ages of 6 and 15. Ceremonies were held in 2017 for the school’s first graduating class of 30 students.

The foundation continues to sponsor the education of its graduates. With support from donors from around the world, it plans to keep educating India’s young people for generations to come.

Reasons for Giving

Businesses touch the lives of everyone. They build products, deliver services, and provide jobs that have increased the standards of living for billions of people around the world.

Philanthropy is another way businesses serve their local communities and the world at large. And just as businesses themselves benefit from the jobs they create and the goods and services they sell, they also benefit from giving in a variety of ways:

  • improved employee morale
  • positive public relations
  • increased network connections

According to a 2010 study by Cone Communications, 85 percent of consumers have higher opinions of companies that support the same causes that they support. 

As Baby Boomers retire and Millennials have more disposable income, consumer preferences are shifting. Modern consumers want to know that the businesses they support are serving a higher purpose.

That means that, beyond doing good for people who need it, corporate giving is a way to keep current customers and gain new ones.

The same shift with consumers is affecting decisions by potential employees. In considering future work opportunities, they’re taking into account company ideals. Giving is a way for a company to broadcast its core mission to prospective employees. 

Last but certainly not least, the U.S. government also encourages charitable giving by individuals and corporations by offering tax benefits.

If you run a small business, it could help to talk to a tax professional to make sure you file the proper paperwork to take full advantage of the tax break.

Cultivating Company Culture

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Digital Product Design

Intuitio Labs is a tech company that specializes in Web, Android and iOS Development for startups. It’s a demanding field that requires its employees to give their best each day.

Company leaders have discovered that fostering the right company culture is both a quality-of-life issue and a competitive advantage in the fast-paced tech world.

The culture encompasses the company’s purpose and core values, and it also affects how we

  • organize
  • lead
  • manage talent
  • interact with the community

We demonstrate our values throughout the year, but the holiday season provides a perfect time to look back and take stock of all we’ve accomplished as a team this year.

One thing we reflect on with pride is our commitment to giving back to the communities we serve. We do it because empathy is deeply rooted in our core.
To learn more about our company culture and services, visit www.intuitiolabs.com.